Selling Human Capital Management Solutions – The Need to Articulate Value – with Tanya Carpenter

By Tom Pisello | October 16, 2020

I had the pleasure of interviewing the wonderful Tanya Carpenter of LeapGen not too long ago on EVOLVERS. She had a lot to share regarding several aspects of sales and here are a few take -aways I found particularly wise in their simplicity…

“I think sales people need to fully understand how their product or service makes a difference. Like, in a new way. Like the brute force that throwing spaghetti against the wall does not – it will not work.”

..and on what Leapgen prescribes as a “starting point” for new clients…

“Different organizations have different starting points. I think it’s critical to find out where they are on their journey.

You know, so they either are at the very beginning, they’ve done some work, or they are pretty far down the line. You know, they are in one of those three places. And so it’s figuring out where they are.

And then, in terms of our prescription, we really believe that it’s about People, Process, Technology, and Mindset.

And so it’s ensuring that we are addressing each one of those. And if we’re addressing each one of those, then we are really determining {if they} are they tying it back to business results or not.”

Listen to the full episode here:

Simply put… Know your stuff, people!

Keep evolving, EVOLVERS!

Until next time…

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